Growing up in the tropics of Miami, Florida and spending my summers in the Bahamas as a child, I took a liking to outdoor life and the ocean. As a child, we were told to go outside and play, so our mother would not have to pick up
after us. The imagination is a fantastic part of the brain, which I used with great intention. I was always exploring the woods around our home in Miami and spent many hours walking the beach in the Bahamas, finding the homes of the sea creatures that lived close to the shoreline. As I grew older, my passion for ocean life grew, thinking all the while my future would be in ocean studies. After high school, I found myself with no interest in college t the time, but to venture.
I worked several regular jobs, moving about the South Florida area. At one point I moved to West Palm Beach, where I met my ex-husband whom I was married, and not long after, two children. I raised my children as a stay-at-home mother, which I felt beneficial to proper development, and of course the practice that was instilled in me at a very young age. I spent many days each week at the beach with my children, exploring yet again, the shoreline, teaching them about life in the tropics. I look back and find that I spent a lot of time teaching my children about everything I could, as my mind was still very young and inquisitive as well.
Divorcing thirteen years later, starving for more, as my mind felt stagnate, I started taking classes at the local university. My children were still at a young age at this time, and I remained a guiding force during their primary years, to learn about their environment and anything they find of interest. I don’t think it was the environment that I was focused on, but to enhance the desire to learn, and to educate. I kept the pace with my college career path in Nursing. By this time, I remarried with a man that supported my desire for learning.
In 2006, I completed my first hurdle towards my RN licensure, as an LPN. This is when I started working one day a week in the local ER as an LPN. I was the first LPN to go directly to the ER to work at this hospital. I absolutely loved it. My mind was a sponge, absorbing everything I could. Upon finishing my Registered Nurse degree, I immersed myself in the hospital setting. I was the ER educator, charge nurse, and looked upon and treated with respect. I had many titles during my tenure at this hospital, and to this day, I remain ever so inquisitive.
I could go on forever, however there was a very special day in September 2022. I met this nurse years before at the hospital I was working at in Taos, New Mexico. His name was Walter, an ICU nurse and unbeknown to me, a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, such a humble person. He was from South Florida as well, so of course we immediately became friends. He eventually left Taos for new adventure, for about eight years.
That special day in September, I was walking out of a local organic grocery called Cid’s. There standing in front of me, in the parking lot, was Walter! I was so elated to see him again. So, of course, we arrange a breakfast meeting which lead to many more, as the months went by, talking about our passions for teaching others. He discussed alternative medicinal practices with me over the course of these months, which lead me on a different adventure, discovering a new passion for healing the body, versus the convention practices of today. I explained my desires for cooking with Walter, and the nutritional value of eating a clean diet. I explained my journey with health 5 years prior and my exercise and weight loss regimen. Walter showed an immediate interest, and we started discussing teaching others these alternative paths to good health.
On January 22, 2024, is where our journey began. We have committed ourselves to help others, to teach others, so that a positive change happens for those who wish to pursue a Sweet Life…